About the Alaskan Malamute Registry and Pedigree Program

This Compact Disk contains what is probably the most comprehensive database in existence of Alaskan Malamutes. There are more than 132,000 Malamutes in this record. The entire AKC Studbook for Alaskan Malamutes is included (from the first entry through October, 2012). In addition there are thousands of Mals from official sources in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Sweden, Norway, England, Denmark, Switzerland as well as privately-collected data which include Mals in Poland, Japan, Slovokia, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium, and Holland. Also included are the Mals in the AMCA Pedigree Reference Manuals (including photos), and from many other published sources.

Wherever the information is known, each record includes the dog’s name, sex, registration number(s), country of origin, sire’s name, dam’s name, date of birth, color, owner’s name, breeder’s name, all known titles, as well as other comments and reference sources.

The collection of this vast resource has been pursued by Dan Anderson over a period of almost fifteen years. The purpose of this effort is to help those wishing to research pedigrees and find the origins of various lines, and to provide a historical base accessible to all.

In order to make this database useful, a pedigree program has been developed allowing the user to search out dogs by name, registration number, breeder or any other criteria which is in the database, and produce presentable reports and pedigrees. This effort has been spearheaded by Danny Duval who also wrote the tutorial for this program which is included on the disk.

This entire effort is being donated to Alaskan Malamute Rescue. A copy of this permanent record in the form of a CD will be sent to anyone who donates at least $100 to AMAL. As new information comes in, this database will be continually updated, and revised versions will be periodically available to those who retain their membership in AMAL.

The Pedigree program and the data on the disk are designed to be used by any of the Windows systems including Windows 95 and all later Windows releases. It also works on Macintosh computers running Windows emulator programs.

Purchase the Alaskan Malamute Registry & Pedigree Program (includes AMAL membership) using the AMAL membership form, then send the completed form and $100 Check or International Money Order (marked US Dollars) payable to the Alaskan Malamute Assistance League:

AMAL Treasurer
c/o Sharon Nichols
PO Box 7161
Golden, CO 80403


through PayPal for immediate shipping of your Alaskan Malamute Registry & Pedigree Program!

We appreciate your supporting purchase and hope you enjoy using our Alaskan Malamute Registry & Pedigree Program. CD program updates are available with your AMAL membership renewal.